The grade 7 – 9 students completed another adventurous journey as a part of our curriculum: The Duke of Edinburgh International Award. What is The Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DoE)?

About DoE

Not all learning happens in the classroom. Young people need experiences outside the classroom to become committed, responsible and fulfilled citizens of the world.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements.

Since its launch over 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Through non formal education, the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development and is achievable by any 14-24 year old who wants to take up the challenge.


The Camp!

Our High School students spent a few days on the slopes of Mount Ungaran. They did camping, hiking and loving being outdoors!